Word Family Readers Support

If you're having difficulty, please fill out the form below and we'll get in touch with you asap to resolve the issue. Thank you. '

To fully enjoy and experience the app's features, we recommend using a desktop/laptop computer, phone, or a tablet device running either Windows 10, Android 12, iOS14 or newer for optimal performance. Newer device models tend to have improved hardware capabilities and compatibility with the latest technologies, ensuring smoother navigation, faster response times, and enhanced graphics. While the web app may still work on older tablets, using a more recent device will provide you with the best possible user experience.

To ensure you have the best experience while using the Word Family Readers app on a desktop/laptop computer, it's important to make sure your browser is up to date. Updating your browser ensures that you have access to the latest features, improved security measures, and optimal performance.

Word Family Readers Terms of Use are available here.